
Tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf
Tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf

tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf

7Īccording to the religious worldview, man is not the only being that praises and worships God Almighty, but all creatures worship Him at all times. 6Īccording to another tradition, while prostrating himself in his prayers and at other times, Imam Sadiq (as) repeated the formulaĪnd at times he repeated it five hundred times. Īll the angels salute him (sallu ‘alayhi kullu malakin). He would have verily remained inside its belly until the Day of Resurrection" 5.

tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf

"Had he not been from amongst them who glorify Allah. The Holy Qur’an is saying that whenever triumph falls into your share, glorify God Almighty Glorification of God Almighty is a kind of showing gratitude unto Him. God Almighty will grant him all the Bounties in this world until he meets with God Almighty when the Bounties in the Hereafter will be granted to him. "Praise be to Allah" (al-hamdu li-’llah),

tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf

Whatever is beneath the Divine Throne will accompany him in his glorification and tenfold Rewards will be granted to the servant uttering such glorification whenever he utters It is narrated from the Noble Prophet of the Islamic faith (S) that whenever a servant utters It is worthy of note that elaborate discussions are to be found above under 17:44 and 24:41. As it will be mentioned below, such attributes are closely connected with the prospective discussions hereunder reflecting that the selection of the Divine Attributes in different Qur’anic Verses follow a certain order and a particular interrelation.

tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf

On the one hand, emphasis is laid on might and knowledge as the pillars of the state. It is also narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that it is incumbent upon each and every believer following the Imams to recite Surah al-Jum‘a and It is narrated from the Noble Prophet (S) that whoever recites the Chapter, God Almighty will bestow ten good qualities upon him throughout the Muslim lands as many as the number of those who establish or fail to establish the Friday congregational prayer. Numerous traditions have been narrated concerning the recitation of the Chapter independently or as a part of daily prayers. It is enjoined that the blessed Chapter be recited in the first prayer unit on Friday night. The Muslims are suggested to leave everything aside upon hearing the call to the prayers and hasten toward the remembrance of Allah, otherwise they deserve to be censured. The Chapter opens with the glorification of Allah and the Prophetic Call and proceeds to suggests that the Muslims are not supposed to be like the Jews to whom the Torah was granted but they failed to act upon it. One of the fundamental goals of the Chapter is to encourage the Muslims to congregate for the weekly establishment of the Friday prayer. The Chapter, revealed in Medina, has eleven Verses. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Tafsir al qurthubi melayu pdf